Showing 1–20 of 78 results

  • A Friend From Mars

    Aggie is a curious girl who is always inventing gadgets in her own inventions room. Her latest creation involves a space phone that can call other planets. Read on to find out what she discovers when she successfully makes contact with another lanet.

    130,00 EGP
  • A Home For Ron

    Ron the rhino lives with his mum . One day however, they are separated and Ron finds himself alone and scared, he looks for her, but he can’t find her anywhere . He doesn’t know how to survive alone. Then one day, something happens and his life changed forever.

    130,00 EGP
  • A Modern Hero

    Miss Lia, a history teacher, tells her class all about a special Indonesian hero. Mala, one of the students, is especially inspired when she learns the hero was a woman, and wants to become a hero herself. Read the story to find out what Mala does to achieve her ambition.

    130,00 EGP
  • A Performance for Everyone

    All the children in Class 6A are excited about their special end-of-year performance. Directors, actors, singers, and dancers are busy rehearsing when an unexpected event upsets their plans. However, instead of ruining the performance, the outcome is hugely successful as the children discover new talents, learn how to make compromises and forgive mistakes.

    130,00 EGP
  • Aladdin et la Lampe Magique

    Voici l’histoire d’un jeune garçon qui s’appelle Aladdin et qui se fait piéger par Jafar, un sorcier qui prétend être son oncle. Aladdin tente de se sauver des griffes de Jafar, jusqu’au moment où il trouve une lampe magique qui change définitivement sa vie. Découvre qui est le personnage qui sort de la lampe et comment il a changé à jamais le destin d’Aladdin.

    120,00 EGP
  • Ali Baba et les Quarante Voleurs

    « Sésame, ouvre-toi » sont les mots qui changent à jamais la vie d’Ali Baba. Découvre si ces changements ont été positifs ou non, et comment il s’est retrouvé coincé en compagnie de quarante voleurs !

    120,00 EGP
  • All Fathers Are Great

    This story takes place underwater. The main character is Little Clownfish, who finds out what an important role clownfish play when they get married and become fathers. We join him on his voyage of discovery as he learns what his future holds for him.

    130,00 EGP
  • Anisa Grows up

    Anisa’s mum helps her with everything she does on a daily basis and she never thinks about it or thinks that it’s at all unusual. One day, however, she hears her friends talking about all the things they do by themselves, and she feels embarrassed. That day, Anisa makes a decision, and is pleasantly surprised with the results.

    130,00 EGP
  • Bella’s Busy Day

    Bella is a very busy girl. From the minute she wakes up until she falls asleep again at night, she
    doesn’t stop. We accompany Bella as she goes about her day at home and at school, carrying out her
    duties and responsibilities, and playing with her friends.

    130,00 EGP
  • Blanch-Neige et les Sept Nains

    Blanche-Neige fuit de sa méchante belle-mère après avoir découvert qu’elle voulait la tuer. Elle se retrouve aussitôt perdue au cœur de la forêt. Heureusement, elle aperçoit une maison où vivent sept nains qui travaillent dur et qui la logent chez eux. Découvre au cours de l’histoire si Blanche-Neige a réussi à échapper ou non aux griffes de sa méchante belle-mère et ce que le destin lui a réservé.

    120,00 EGP
  • Boma’s Best Day

    Boma is an unusual musical instrument who lives in a school. The end of the school year is coming closer and the children are practicing for the concert they will be performing in. Boma is upset, however, because nobody chooses to play him. Read the story to discover how he overcomes his disappointment.

    130,00 EGP
  • Cendrillon

    Un jeune chevalier fait chavirer le cœur de Cendrillon et elle espère le revoir à la soirée organisée par le prince. Si seulement sa belle-mère et ses demi-sœurs la laissaient y aller ! Découvre qui est en réalité le mystérieux chevalier et ce qui s’est passé lors de cette soirée.

    120,00 EGP
  • Cory and the Cake

    Cory is an adventurous boy. One day, while secretly eating some delicious cakes his grandmother made, he drinks a bottle of magic water and is transported to a magic forest. There he sees amazing animals, and he learns a valuable lesson that he will never forget.

    130,00 EGP
  • Dame Holla

    Anna et Amy sont deux sœurs qui n’ont rien en commun ! Anna travaille dur, est serviable et apprend bien ses leçons, tandis que Amy est oisive et ne fait rien de ses journées. Par magie, Anna et Amy rencontrent Dame Holle. Quel traitement leur réserve-t-elle ?

    120,00 EGP
  • End Of Year Picnic

    At the end of every year, Aruna’s father plans a special picnic. The location is always a secret until the very last minute. This year is no different, but when Aruna finds out the location, she is more excited than ever before. Discover where the picnic is going to be held and why Aruna is so excited.

    130,00 EGP
  • Hansel et Gretel

    Voici l’histoire d’un frère et d’une sœur qui étaient maltraités par leur belle-mère. Elle se transforma en une vilaine sorcière et enferma à clé les jeunes enfants ! Découvre dans cette formidable histoire comment ils se sont finalement échappés.

    120,00 EGP
  • Holiday Time

    One hot summer’s day, Paul Judd decides to give his family a treat and take them to the seaside for a day-long holiday. They swim and play on the beach and have a picnic, but Paul has a special surprise planned for them that makes the day very special indeed.

    130,00 EGP
  • I Am Fair (9)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I Am Responsible at Home (4)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I Am Responsible at School (4)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP