Le Vilain Petit Canard
Voici l’histoire d’une jeune canette qui ne ressemble pas du tout à ses frères et sœurs. Ils se moquent d’elle et sont méchants en raison de son apparence. Blessée, la canette décide de s’en aller là où elle sera acceptée telle qu’elle est. Découvre dans cette histoire comment elle a réagi lorsqu’elle a vu pour la première fois son reflet dans l’eau !
Les Aventures de Pinocchio
Pinocchio était un pantin de bois qui racontait des mensonges à son père. À chaque fois qu’il mentait, son nez s’allongeait ! Lis cette histoire et découvre comment les mensonges de Pinocchio lui ont attiré des ennuis.
Les Elfes et le Cordonnier
Voici l’histoire d’un pauvre cordonnier qui n’avait pas assez d’argent pour acheter le matériel et fabriquer des chaussures de qualité, mais heureusement, la magie a définitivement changé sa vie ! Découvre ce qui est arrivé au pauvre cordonnier et à son épouse.
Lina’s Necklace
Lina catches fish for a living and she is very good at it, but her greatest talent is diving for rare and beautiful pearls. One day, she accepts a challenge to find the most rare of all pearls – the blue pearl, which has special powers. Read about the challenge and what happens to Lina when she finds a valuable blue pearl.
Lulu’s Teashop
Kelly and Kevin visit their grandparents and meet Lulu, who has a special teashop. Unfortunately, Lulu has to close the teashop, but the children make a secret plan to restore it so it can reopen together with their parents and grandparents, the children work hard and the teashop reopens successfully with a big party.
Nandi Goes to School
Nandi lives on a rice farm. There isn’t a school nearby, but sometimes a teacher is able to visit, and he gives lessons to all the children in the area. Even though the children can’t go to school everyday, they love their lessons and they manage to learn many things from their talented teacher.
Une fleur fleurit, et une fille aussi petite qu’un pouce se réveille à l’intérieur. Poucelina mène une vie heureuse avec sa mère, mais un jour, une affreuse grenouille la voit et l’enlève ! Poucelina souffre de l’absence de sa mère et la vie heureuse qu’elle menait lui manque. La retrouvera-t-elle un jour ?
Sinbad le Marin
Sinbad a pour mission de commander « La Sirène », le navire du capitaine. Tout le monde lui fait confiance et sait qu’il en est capable, sauf Chahin, un sorcier jaloux de la réussite de Sinbad, qui souhaite le voir échouer. Découvre comment Chahin a utilisé la magie pour lui nuire et comment Sinbad a réussi à s’en sortir à la fin de l’histoire.
Squirrel’s Exciting Day
Squirrel loves to play and sometimes he is a little bit naughty. One day, his love of games gets him into a difficult situation that he can’t get out of. What begins with a simple game, develops into a great adventure that is full of danger.
The Cucumber Garden
Minette, a very unusual mouse deer, has special powers that even she does not fully know about. She also has a weakness for fresh green cucumbers. One day she finds herself with a tricky dilemma that only she can solve. Read on and discover how Minette succeeds not only in finding answers to her problem, but also unleashing her special powers.
The Egg
Lara is a kind and loving elephant who is sad because she wants a baby elephant. Sarni is a little squirrel who is miserable because he doesn’t have a mummy. A magic fairy gives them a special egg, telling them their wishes will come true if they look after the egg properly.
The Funny Little Thing
Jani desperately wants to become an artist so that she can paint beautiful pictures, but she has a big problem. She doesn’t know how to paint. One day, however, as if by magic, a funny little thing comes into her life and suddenly, Joni’s problem disappears.
The Gingerbread Man
The old woman is hungry. She bakes a gingerbread man to eat. Once she takes it out of the oven, Gingerbread Man jumps and runs out of the house to start his little adventure!
The Princess and the Pea
The prince wants to marry a princess but he can’t find a real princess. One dark night, there is knocking on the palace door. There is a girl cold and wet. Will she be a real princess? Read the story to find out what happens!
The Smile Keeper
The Smile keeper has one of the most important and difficult jobs on Earth, and everything is fine until he retires and a new Smile Keeper takes over. In the beginning, all is well, but when the new Smile Keeper turns out to be greedy and unfair, Earth is in serious trouble.
The Tree
A group of trees lives in the forest and despite having quite different personalities and liking
different things, they all live happily together. Until one day, when a man with a sharp axe
arrives and the trees fear the very worst. The axe man, however, has a special plan, and the story
ends with a pleasant twist. -
The Worm-Catching Festival
Bakti and his friend, Henry, are very excited about the annual worm-catching festival, which is a very special event in the lives of all the people who live on Lombok Island. Read the story to discover the legend behind the festival and why it is important, and experience, with the children, the different events of the festival as they happen.
Tiko’s Island
Tiko and his friend, Komo, live on an island. Tiko spends his days catching food and playing, until one day, when he sees something that gives him a terrible fright. Komo helps his friend calm down and their friendship is strengthened by an agreement and a promise they make.
Tilly Doesn’t Like Carrots
Tilly is in a very bad mood. She doesn’t like anything in her life and she decides, grumpily, to go for a walk. As she walks around her neighborhood, the things she sees make her change her mind. She finally understands that her life really isn’t that bad at all.
Tom Pouce
Tom Pouce est un petit garçon pas plus grand qu’un pouce. Tous les jours, il joue dans son jardin. Mais un jour, deux hommes méchants l’enlèvent et il est éloigné à jamais de sa famille ! Retrouvera-t-il un jour le chemin de sa maison ?