Showing 21–40 of 45 results

  • I Respect the Environment (7)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I Respect the Time (2)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. Based on the CEF standards, the series also works on teaching the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I Set My Goals (11)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I’m Against Bullying (10)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I’m Content (12)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I’m Resilient (11)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I’m Safe Online (8)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. It is divided into 12 levels based on the CEF standards, covering the beginner and elementary levels, for kindergarten and grades 1 to 4. The series also teaches the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • I’m Clean (1)

    The Character Building series aims at teaching youngsters the desired character traits and behaviour they need to learn and apply in their daily life. Based on the CEF standards, the series also works on teaching the EFL learners English language skills through a framework of life lessons and values.

    95,00 EGP
  • Is This happiness?

    One day tommy, Suki and Dobby go for a walk. Tommy wants carrots, Suki wants flowers, but Dobby wants something completely different. He is looking for happiness, even though he has no idea what it is. Follow the little rabbits on their adventure and see if they manage to find what they are looking for.

    130,00 EGP
  • Jack And Star

    Jack and star are a hard-working horse and cart team. Not only do they work together, they are also best friends. They help and support each other through their generous actions, we will see what true friendship really means .

    130,00 EGP
  • Kiki The Travelling Hair Dresser

    Kiki is a kangaroo and she has a very important job in her village. She is a hairdresser. She travels around on her bicycle, helping all
    the animals who need her. She is kind and popular and her customers give her unusual gifts to thank her for her work.

    130,00 EGP
  • Lina’s Necklace

    Lina catches fish for a living and she is very good at it, but her greatest talent is diving for rare and beautiful pearls. One day, she accepts a challenge to find the most rare of all pearls – the blue pearl, which has special powers. Read about the challenge and what happens to Lina when she finds a valuable blue pearl.

    130,00 EGP
  • Lulu’s Teashop

    Kelly and Kevin visit their grandparents and meet Lulu, who has a special teashop. Unfortunately, Lulu has to close the teashop, but the children make a secret plan to restore it so it can reopen together with their parents and grandparents, the children work hard and the teashop reopens successfully with a big party.


    130,00 EGP
  • Nandi Goes to School

    Nandi lives on a rice farm. There isn’t a school nearby, but sometimes a teacher is able to visit, and he gives lessons to all the children in the area. Even though the children can’t go to school everyday, they love their lessons and they manage to learn many things from their talented teacher.

    130,00 EGP
  • The Cucumber Garden

    Minette, a very unusual mouse deer, has special powers that even she does not fully know about. She also has a weakness for fresh green cucumbers. One day she finds herself with a tricky dilemma that only she can solve. Read on and discover how Minette succeeds not only in finding answers to her problem, but also unleashing her special powers.

    130,00 EGP
  • The Egg

    Lara is a kind and loving elephant who is sad because she wants a baby elephant. Sarni is a little squirrel who is miserable because he doesn’t have a mummy. A magic fairy gives them a special egg, telling them their wishes will come true if they look after the egg properly.

    130,00 EGP
  • The Eruption

    Bima lives with his family at the bottom of a mountain that is also an active volcano. One day, the volcano starts to show signs that an eruption is going to happen, and that it is going to happen very soon. Join Bima, his friend Ari, and Bima’s cat, Scratchy, as they deal with the excitement and danger of their very first volcanic eruption.

    130,00 EGP
  • The Funny Little Thing

    Jani desperately wants to become an artist so that she can paint beautiful pictures, but she has a big problem. She doesn’t know how to paint. One day, however, as if by magic, a funny little thing comes into her life and suddenly, Joni’s problem disappears.

    130,00 EGP
  • The Smile Keeper

    The Smile keeper has one of the most important and difficult jobs on Earth, and everything is fine until he retires and a new Smile Keeper takes over. In the beginning, all is well, but when the new Smile Keeper turns out to be greedy and unfair, Earth is in serious trouble.

    130,00 EGP
  • The Tree

    A group of trees lives in the forest and despite having quite different personalities and liking
    different things, they all live happily together. Until one day, when a man with a sharp axe
    arrives and the trees fear the very worst. The axe man, however, has a special plan, and the story
    ends with a pleasant twist.

    130,00 EGP